Always use high quality locks on your unit. Round disc, heavy duty locks are available for purchase from the facility’s manager.

Maximize your storage space:
Furniture drawers make convenient containers to hold small and delicate items. Wrap the entire drawer in bubble wrap or packing paper.
Always remember to completely fill boxes when packing small items, and stuff open areas with packing paper or bubble wrap to prevent movement and collapsing when being transported or stacked.
Maximize space by storing kitchen items like pots and pans in large appliances, such as stoves or refrigerators.
Wherever possible, place dressers and tables top-to-top to save space.
Break down items (such as table legs) and store large furniture like sofas on end to end to save space.
Tips for arranging stored boxes:
Do not place boxes directly on concrete floors, but use pallets or skids to allow air flow around and under items.
Store items you’ll need most often at the front of the unit.
When you pack your storage unit, create a center aisle for access to all items.

How to store:
Business Files
When storing business files, label all boxes and construct aisles so files are easily seen and accessible.
Clothes, Draperies, Blankets
Pack blankets, draperies, and dress clothes on a hanger in a wardrobe box. Wardrobe boxes are available for purchase from the facility’s manager.
It is unsafe and forbidden to store anything combustible such as paint, chemicals and gasoline.
Store furniture carefully on boards or pallets. Furniture covers are available for purchase from the facility’s manager.
It is unsafe and it is not allowed to store anything that is perishable (such as food that is not permanently sealed).
When storing delicate heirlooms, use specially constructed boxes, such as dish boxes.
Lawn & Garden
In order to store lawn and garden equipment, drain any fluids to avoid corrosive damage and fire hazard. Use trash cans to store lawn and garden tools.
Cover mattresses and store them flat on level surfaces. Mattress covers are available for purchase from the facility’s manager.
Metal Items
When storing metal items, to retard rust, wipe all metal surfaces with a rag containing a few drops of machine oil.
Old Photographs
Old photographs tend to curl over time. To keep them flat, place them between two pieces of cardboard and tape them together.
Sensitive Items
Always use climate control units for humidity sensitive items.Cover mattresses and store them flat on level surfaces. Mattress covers are available for purchase from the facility’s manager.
Wooden Items
Use protective covers, and treat wood surfaces before storing. Covers are available for purchase from the facility’s manager.